100 Mbit/s added to the Tor network!
For years it has served as a coffee-table for some members of Nos
Oignons. The coffee-table is now back to its first usage : being a
server! After some adventures, it became on the 28th of August, 2020,
our new Tor exit relay named "mwittig".
Its name is a reference to [Monique Wittig, a French novelist, theorist
and lesbian activist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monique_Wittig).
Proud of adding this new relay to the Tor network, we deeply thank [Data
Expertise - Human's Connexion](https://www.data-expertise.com/) for
hosting this server.
We also thank each person who supports and allows us to finance our
relays. [Feel free to support us too!](https://nos-oignons.net/Donnez/index.en.html)
Nos oignons